
The Facts

An unsterilized dog and her puppies can generate over 4,000 offspring in just seven years. An unsterilized cat and her kittens can generate an astounding 20,000 offspring in only FOUR years. Millions of animals are euthanized in this country each year simply because there are not enough homes for them. This can be stopped by breaking the chains of uncontrolled reproduction.

The Actions

P.A.W.S of Hillsborough county has been active in our community for 16 years, aiding in the rescue and fostering of abandoned, abused, and relinquished animals and placing them in new, loving, and forever homes. Every animal adopted out by P.A.W.S has been or will be sterilized prior to reaching sexual maturity. Our mission is to educate the public to the suffering of these unwanted animals and to impress upon them the necessity for spaying and neutering to control the pet over population crisis.

PHONE #  813-610-2650

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